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GCSE P8 Success 2023

Our GCSE Progress 8 measure 2023 puts us in the top 100 state secondary schools in the country

Recent data released by the Department for Education shows that in 2023, on average, every GCSE student at Blue Coat achieved a grade higher than they were originally predicted when they first joined the school in every subject that they took (P8 = 0.96).

Data should by no means be the only measure against which any school is judged. What this information shows, however, is that our students are able to excel and surpass all the benchmarks that the Government expects. Crucially, this gives them the ability to access not only the next stage of their education but also helps them get into the country’s top universities and apprenticeships.

This outcome is a result of a team effort. Our staff have implemented significant improvements to school provision over the last 18 months or so. The outcome of this is that our students are able to access an improved quality of education.  Every day we are reminded that our students are talented and hardworking, and this in turn inspires our very dedicated and skilled staff to do all that we can to help them achieve their goals and aspirations. What is equally important, is that our students are young people who have strong values and want to use their success to make a positive impact on the world around them. I am tremendously proud of them all.

The Progress 8 data not only places Blue Coat School in the top 3% of all 3,444 state secondary schools in England but also ranks us second of all co-educational grammar schools. 

Our staff team is immensely proud to have achieved this ranking and we look forward to building on this as we continue to inspire excellence within our school community.