The Blue Coat is Liverpool's best state-funded school for pupils getting into Oxbridge

Nine of the school's 2020/21 graduates were accepted by Oxford or Cambridge in the most recent year for which figures were released.
The Blue Coat School has the best record of any state-funded school in Merseyside for getting its students into Oxford and Cambridge.
A total of nine of the Liverpool school's 2020/21 graduates were accepted to Oxbridge that year. That works out as 6% of pupils and is the highest total and percentage of any state-funded secondary school or college in our region and the 44th highest in England, according to new data from the Department for Education.
Headteacher, Scilla Yates, spoke of her pride in the pupils who made it to Oxbridge.
She said: "While the number of students who are accepted to Oxbridge is something that we are deeply proud of, we were as delighted that so many of our young people got to go to their first choice universities and employers – particularly given the challenges that the Class of 2021 went through during the turbulence of COVID."
"Students worked tirelessly, and seeing their dreams being realised is always one of the highlights of the school's year."
"We have a strong record of inspiring excellence, and we are proud that we consistently have a high number of students who get to Oxbridge. This summer, for example, a record 21 students secured a place at either Oxford or Cambridge. They then go on to some amazing careers that support communities and help shape the world that we live in."
Among the 2020/21 pupils who got an Oxbridge place was Oliver Merriman. He got 3As and went to Gonville and Caius College at the University of Cambridge to read Spanish and German.
At the time, Oliver said: “I am elated to get these grades. 3 A*s was always my aim, but I have been worried if I could achieve it because of the uncertainty of the pandemic."
“Not knowing what was going to happen the next day, because someone you sit next to may have tested positive or because of a new Government announcement, has been really challenging and has always weighed heavily on my mind. My family always support me, and teachers really do dedicate their time.”