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Development Fund

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What does the Development Fund do?

The Development Fund was established to fund the ‘extras’ to ensure that we are able to provide the very best opportunities for our students: the opportunity to excel academically, pursue extra-curricular interests and activities, and to exceed their potential.

Since the Fund was launched, gifts from parents, grandparents, Old Blues, and friends of the School have supported projects which have had a direct and immediate benefit for our students.

Funding has contributed to wide-ranging projects such as the purchase of musical instruments and vital technology and equipment. The Fund also gives us the ability to allocate gifts to projects that are deemed the most urgent in that particular year, ensuring we are able to respond to the needs of the School and our students on an ongoing basis.

We are hugely grateful to our community of supporters who contribute what they can each year to this Fund. Thanks to their support, in 2023/24 over £25,000 was raised, supporting over 25 different projects and activities in School. These included:

  • Entry and transport for competitions including UKMT Maths Competitions and Raspberry Pi competitions.
  • National award entries: Physics Olympiads, Crest Awards (Chemistry)
  • Duke of Edinburgh licence 
  • School competition prizes and medals including gift cards for achievement assemblies, LRC quiz prizes, Frederick Douglass competition prizes, sports medals and trophies
  • Extra-curriculum club equipment, including chess sets and board games for LRC, and 'Magic: the gathering' re-pack cards.
  • Sports kit, including new handball kit and netball kit
  • Art Festival: art display board
  • Frames for mental health posters which are now located in toilets
  • Prayer mats for new prayer/reflection rooms
  • Tables and chairs for Sixth-form common rooms
  • Prom decorations and part payment of coach
  • Folders for all students in Geography
  • Iftar night food and decorations
  • Amy Winehouse Assembly for 6th form students
  • UK Military School - team building and resilience workshops for Y7 and Y12s on the first day of school
  • Paris trip - entry to attractions
  • MVP Graduation event coach hire
  • Coach for Y7 trip to Anglesey residential
  • LAMDA mock exam 
  • 4 new ovens for Food Tech

This is the link to the Giving Report for 2023/24

So far in 2024/5 we have used the funds for

  • Resurfacing of the yard with a multi-use games area surface and new netball posts
  • National Maths competition entry
  • Chamber Choir visit to Cambridge
  • Diwali Celebration
  • Anti-racist Captains programme
  • Lego Club
  • D of E licence
  • Physics challenge entry

For further information about the Development Fund, please contact the School Office on 0151 733 1407 or at